Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay Obsession With Exercise and Diet - 824 Words
Many people seem obsessed with exercise (or diet). When we gain weight, we are irascible Irritable. and is always hard to, avoid all the negative things and, shameless emotion we have towards ourselves. When we are isolated, we scrutinize examine closely and critically about the way we have gained weight on the first place. Immediately, we start observing pictures of how our body used to look before, and star making comparison of how our body looks now. Gaining weight occurs for many reasons, and the process of gained weight works different in each one of us. Maybe we gained weight because of depression, or maybe we gained weight, because unwarily mistreating our body, by not taking care of it. Some of us have gained weight, by the†¦show more content†¦They lose control, and start not to care about their appearance such as, not dressing pretty any more; not wanting to put make up, or fixing their hair. We are quiescent temporarily inactive to anything especially bikinis or a nything that involves showing skin. If at the time of the weight gained, we happen to have a partners, boyfriends, or fiance, we start to think that our partners would go away, and never come back, or that our partners are tricksters person who cheats on us, and the only why they are still with us is, because of pity and guilt. We start to hate every girl that looks attractive, and even more, if we know that our partners will break their heads looking, and re surged ideas or belief of things they are probably missing, or perhaps, regretting that we do not look as hot as the girl who just pass by on a thong at the beach. Obsession with our body begins to take control on us, Practically feeling miserable, because of the rotund fat and round we have become, we want to do something now. This involves exercise; diets; pills for weight loss, and even plastic surgery. Of course, at the time of feeling repugnance disgust, strong dislike with our body, in addition, we have to put up with the pressure dealing with looking at good-looking woman 24/7. For instance, a perfect example would be me. In my teenager hood, I never had a dilemmaShow MoreRelatedIs Fitness An Obsession?897 Words  | 4 PagesIs fitness an obsession? Many would say yes, but here is the real question. Is the strive for health and fitness a bad obsession to have? In a personal interview with a Jorge Mendoza, who frequents the gym many times per week and also keeps a strict meal plan, how he would define an obsession. Mendoza’s answer was a simple â€Å"too much.†The word obsession has such a negative connotation that even if paired with a word as positive as fitness the negativity is still overpowering. Fitness is a wonderfulRead MoreAmerican Diets Essay763 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout the years, many diet books, pills, and plans have been tried and, most often, failed. 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