College essay topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Future of Energy in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Future of Energy in the UK - Essay Example It is obviously obvious from the conversation that outline of the â€Å"Wicked problem†involved in the subject of the vitality emergency and fears as for vitality the executives from the gracefully and request ideas in the market. Partners including the legislature through its elements, for example, OFGEM and the Department of Energy and Climate change among other Community Energy Strategy facilitators are for the most part captivating as needs be in the wake of the feelings of trepidation of the maturing vitality framework and assistance. The current vitality armada whose ability to fit in with the vitality prerequisites, atmosphere changes and ecological assurance guidelines is blurring, prompting their looking out from administration. Clearly, in conceptualizing the circumstance throughout its whole present express, the events, for example, the taking off of the local power charges just as the a large number of individuals living in fuel destitution are the impression of t he â€Å"Wicked problem†. Further, late uprisings consolidating protestors anchoring themselves with regards to the indigenous wellsprings of fuel, especially since the revelation of the North Sea Oils mirrors the spread of the vitality emergency fears. The intermittent and relentless admonition of intensity power outage expected to persevere in the following three to five years from top government vitality authorities and related partners, for example, vitality organization the board mirrors the circumstance at which the UK winds up with respect to the issue of the vitality emergency. The proof of the current maturing armada of intensity stations, which basically have the harming notoriety concerning natural cordiality notwithstanding essential foundation maturing, all present the help for the course to start elective vitality sources, as OFGEM proposes in its crusade. This requires the course of the advancement procedure. The vitality part in the UK is encountering a tough errand, having confronted a blend of desperate issues since the beginning of the emergency during the 1970s. The foundation of the brilliant skyline for the sake of North Sea oil and gas denoted a chance of a vitality area whose creation and advancement would make sure about the vitality fears in the nation. Notwithstanding, the acknowledgment followed likewise that there is a need to make another measure for mediating for the situation.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Intelligent White Trash in the Snopes Trilogy Essay -- Snopes Trilogy
Clever White Trash in the Snopes Trilogy William Faulkner's three books alluded to as the Snopes Trilogy lower the peruser into the most profound, darkest domains of the human psyche. The profundity of these books caused the quick excusal of any assumptions I had toward Faulkner and his works. No longer did his books appear to be basic stories depicting the white garbage, living in the fake Yoknapatawpha County, of the profound South. The apparently redneck, stupid characters of the Snopes family, when analyzed intently, uncover all the eagerness, cunning, and brightness in the human heart and brain. The methods by which the Snopes family lives, the methods by which it endures, makes the peruser consider the limit among endurance and taking, among need and abhorrence. Is it wrong for a voracious individual to control another ravenous individual, utilizing their own eagerness against them? Would evil be able to gobble itself up, expending an abhorrent individual by methods for another insidious individual? The Snopes Trilogy uncovers the devouring impact of double dealing joined with aspiration and showcases the virtuoso of the human brain in spite of an outward aura that apparently denies any insight whatsoever. Flem Snopes fascinated me from the very beginning of the Trilogy in The Hamlet. His basic appearance, slow, orderly developments, and absence of discourse just added to his secret and force. Flem's outside additionally tricked Jody Varner, who stated, His face was as clear as a skillet of uncooked batter (22). Much to his dismay that later Flem would supercede him in his own store, making Varner's arrangement shield the Snopeses from consuming his outbuildings to blow in his own face. Flem's outward appearance is potentially his most important endurance blessing. His unseemly veneer c... others as a methods for endurance. Being a Snopes, he has been raised to prevail with malicious. It is the main methods he knows. Flem either has no clue about that he is pulverizing others, or he has been instructed not to mind. Flem has been solidified; he doesn't see the underhandedness in his activities. Clearly Flem has no regret at all in his evil activities or decimation of others. To him, he is simply enduring. Faulkner adds another inquiry to the present profound quality. Is an individual blameworthy on the off chance that they don't realize that they are erring? Flem never reconsiders, never falters, never laments any of his activities. So how can he adapt to his still, small voice? He doesn't. He doesn't understand that what he is doing isn't right; in this way, he feels no blame. Flem lives, endures, and thrives the main way he knows how. Works Cited: Faulkner, William. The Snopes Trilogy. New York: Random House, 1957.
Discover the Code-Breaking History of the Rosetta Stone
Find the Code-Breaking History of the Rosetta Stone The Rosetta Stone, which is housed in the British Museum, is a dark, conceivably basalt piece with three dialects on it (Greek, demotic and symbolic representations) each maxim something very similar. Since the words are converted into different dialects, it gave Jean-Francois Champollion the way in to the riddle of Egyptian pictographs. Revelation of the Rosetta Stone Found at Rosetta (Raschid) in 1799, by Napoleons armed force, the Rosetta Stone demonstrated the way to interpreting Egyptian pictographs. The individual who discovered it was Pierre Francois-Xavier Bouchards, a French official of designers. It was sent to the Institut dEgypte in Cairo and afterward taken to London in 1802. Rosetta Stone Content The British Museum depicts the Rosetta Stone as a holy announcement attesting the faction of 13-year-old Ptolemy V. The Rosetta Stone recounts an understanding between Egyptian ministers and the pharaoh on March 27, 196 B.C. It names respects gave on Macedonian Pharaoh Ptolemy V Epiphanes. In the wake of applauding the pharaoh for his liberality, it depicts the attack of Lycopolis and the lords great deeds for the sanctuary. The content proceeds with its fundamental reason: setting up a faction for the ruler. Related Meaning for the Term Rosetta Stone The name Rosetta Stone is currently applied to pretty much any sort of key used to open a riddle. Considerably increasingly natural might be a famous arrangement of PC based language-learning programs utilizing the term Rosetta Stone as an enrolled trademark. Among its developing rundown of dialects is Arabic, be that as it may, oh, no symbolic representations. Physical Description of the Rosetta Stone From the Ptolemaic Period, 196 B.C.Height: 114.400 cm (max.)Width: 72.300 cmThickness: 27.900 cmWeight: around 760 kilograms (1,676 lb.). Area of the Rosetta Stone Napoleons armed force found the Rosetta Stone, however they gave up it to the British who, drove by Admiral Nelson, had vanquished the French at the Battle of the Nile. The French ceded to the British at Alexandria in 1801 and as terms of their acquiescence, gave over the antiques they had uncovered, predominantly the Rosetta Stone and a stone coffin generally (yet subject to debate) ascribed to Alexander the Great. The British Museum has housed the Rosetta Stone since 1802, with the exception of the years 1917-1919 when it was briefly moved underground to forestall conceivable bomb harm. Preceding its disclosure in 1799, it had been in the town of el-Rashid (Rosetta), in Egypt. Dialects of the Rosetta Stone The Rosetta Stone is engraved in 3 dialects: Demotic (the regular content, used to compose documents),Greek (the language of Ionian Greeks, a regulatory content), andHieroglyphs (for clerical business). Decoding the Rosetta Stone Nobody could peruse pictographs at the hour of the disclosure of the Rosetta Stone, however researchers before long pieced out a couple of phonetic characters in the demotic area, which, by examination with the Greek, were recognized as legitimate names. Before long appropriate names in the hieroglyphic segment were distinguished in light of the fact that they were surrounded. These circumnavigated names are called cartouches. Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832) was said to have learned enough Greek and Latin when he was 9-years of age to understand Homer and Vergil (Virgil). He contemplated Persian, Ethiopic, Sanskrit, Zend, Pahlevi, and Arabic, and chipped away at a Coptic word reference when he was 19. Champollion at last found the way to interpreting the Rosetta Stone in 1822, distributed in Lettre M. Dacier.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Mystery Shopping†the Miracle Tool in Business Research
VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE N O. 01 (J ANUARY) ISSN 2231-5756 A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access International e-Journal †Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed and Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory  ©, ProQuest, U. S. A. , EBSCO Publishing, U. S. A. , Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U. S. A. , Open J-Gage, India [link of the equivalent is properly accessible at Inflibnet of University Grants Commission (U. G. C. ], Index Copernicus Publishers Panel, Poland with IC Value of 5. 09 and number of libraries all around the globe. Flowed everywhere throughout the world and Google has confirmed that researchers of in excess of 2022 Cities in 153 nations/domains are visiting our diary on normal premise. Ground Floor, Building No. 1041-C-1, Devi Bhawan Bazar, JAGADHRI †135 003, Yamunanagar, Haryana, INDIA http://ijrcm. organization. in/VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE N O. 01 (J ANUARY) ISSN 2231-5756 CONT ENTS Sr. No. TITLE and NAME OF THE AUTHOR (S)HIERARCHY PROCESS MOJGAN RIAZI, DR. YOUNOS VAKIL ALROAIA and DR. ALI AKBAR AMIN BIDOKHTI ASSOCIATION OF TRAINING PRACTICES WITH JOB SATISFACTION IN PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS RIZWAN BASHIR and FARZANA BASHIR STUDYING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL CAPITAL AND TALENT MANAGEMENT IN IRAN STATE MANAGEMENT TRAINING CENTER (SMTC) SAYED ALI AKBAR AHMADI, MOHAMMAD ALI SARLAK, MUSA MAHDAVI, MOHAMMAD REZA DARAEI and SAMIRA GHANIABADI CONTEMPLATIVE SCRUTINY OF THE ADEQUACY OF HERZBERG’S MOTIVATION-HYGIENETHEORY: A VERDICT OF JOB SATISFACTION IN THE MID LEVEL MANAGER IN TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY ABU ZAFAR AHMED MUKUL, SHAH JOHIR RAYHAN and MD. SHAKIB HOSSAIN PLANNING AND MANAGING A SCHEDULED SERVICE DR. IGNATIUS A. NWOKORO REAL INCOME, INFLATION, AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIVITY IN NIGERIA (1970-2005) Dr. OWOLABI A. USMAN and ADEGBITE TAJUDEEN ADEJARE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA: A PARADIGM SHIFT ADEYEMI, A.ADEKUNLE TH E EVALUATION OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT’S EFFECTIVENESS ON E-LEARNING: A CASE STUDY ON PAYAME NOOR UNIVERSITY OF IRAN BAHAREH SHAHRIARI and KIARASH JAHANPOUR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND JOB SATISFACTION AMONG PROFESSIONAL STAFF IN VIETNAMESE CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES NGUYEN PHI TAN ANALYSIS OF LIQUIDITY OF SELECTED PRIVATE SECTOR INDIAN BANKS SULTAN SINGH, SAHILA CHOUDHRY and MOHINA PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT OF PUBLIC SECTORS BANKS IN INDIA DR. BHAVET, PRIYA JINDAL and DR. SAMBHAV GARG IMBIBE ETHICAL EDUCATION DR. T.SREE LATHA and SAVANAM CHANDRA SEKHAR MODELING INDIAN MONSOON (RAINFALL) VOLATILITY AS AN INDEX BASED RISK TRANSFER PRODUCT D P. SHIVKUMAR, M PRABHU and DR. G. KOTRESHWAR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES IN MEGHALAYA MUSHTAQ MOHMAD SOFI and DR. Unforgiving VARDHAN JHAMB REGRESSION MODELS M. VENKATARAMANAIAH and M. SUDARSANA RAO EFFECTIVENESS OF EMPLOYEE RETENTION TECHNIQUES ADOPTED BY BPO COMPANIES WITH REFERENCE TO CHENNAI DR. RANJITHAM. D ROLE OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN INDIA SHABANA, SONIKA CHOUDHARY and DR. M. L.GUPTA AN EXAMINATION OF LONG-RUN AND SHORT-RUN RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CRUDE OIL PRICE, GOLD PRICE, EXCHANGE RATE AND INDIAN STOCK MARKET R. KANAKARAJAMMAL, S. PAULRAJ and M. V. ARULALAN MYSTERY SHOPPING†THE MIRACLE TOOL IN BUSINESS RESEARCH SHAKEEL-UL-REHMAN and A. VELSAMY THE EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION BETWEEN EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE AND WORK PERFORMANCE OF INDIAN SALES PEOPLE DR. RITIKA SHARMA MARKETING OF BRANDED PRODUCT IN RURAL AREA: A CONCEPTUAL BASED STUDY ON RURAL MARKET PANKAJ ARORA and AJITHA PRASHANT A STUDY ON EMPLOYEES JOB SATISFACTION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COACH FACTORY P.MANONMANI and V. UMA E-CRM APPLICATION IN INSURANCE SECTOR AND RETENTION OF CUSTOMERS DASH BISWAMOHAN. and MISHRA RADHAKRISHNA THE USAGE OF SIX SIGMA TOOLS IN BRINGING DOWN THE DEFECTS IN THE HR PROCESSES SREEJA K and MINTU THANKACHAN WOMEN EMERGING GLOBALLY AS THE POTENTIAL MARKET: REASONS, IMPLICATIONS AND ISSUES DR. JAYA PALIWAL URBAN RESIDENTIAL WATER SUPPLY IN GADAG TOWN IN KARNATAKA STATE DR. H BHARADI TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: A TOOL TO MEASURE MARKET VOLATILITY G. B. SABARI RAJAN CO-BRANDED CREDIT CARD †A TAILOR-MADE PRODUCT NICHE FOR CONSUMERS DR.A. JESU KULANDAIRAJ A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH SERVICE QUALITY IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS DR. SAMBHAV GARG, PRIYA JINDAL and DR. BHAVET EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EI): AN IMPERATIVE SKILL FOR MANAGERS IN THE GLOBAL WORKPLACE SMARTY MUKUNDAN Page No. 1. THE EXTENT OF THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSONALITY INDICATORS OF INDEPENDENT ENTREPRENEUR THROUGH USING GROUP ANALYTICAL 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 8 14 21 29 34 40 45 49 54 57 63 66 72 83 86 91 94 101 104 111 120 123 128 136 140 144 150 153 157 160 REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE, IT and MANAGEMENT A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access International e-Journal †Included in the International Serial Directories ii http://ijrcm. organization. in/VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE N O. 01 (J ANUARY) ISSN 2231-5756 CHIEF PATRON PROF. K. K. AGGARWAL Chancellor, Lingaya’s University, Delhi Founder Vice-Chancellor, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi Ex.Pro Vice-Chancellor, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar FOUNDER PATRON LATE SH. Smash BHAJAN AGGARWAL Former State Minister for Home and Tourism, Government of Haryana Former Vice-President, Dadri Education Society, Charkhi Dadri Former President, Chinar Syntex Ltd. (Material Mills), Bhiwani COCO-ORDINATOR AMITA Faculty, Government M. S. , Mohali ADVISORS DR. PRIYA RANJAN TRIVEDI Chancellor, The Global Open University, Nagaland PROF. M. S. SENAM RAJU Director A. C. D. , School of Management Studies, I. G. N. O. U. , New Delhi PROF. M. N. SHARMA Chairman, M.B. A. , Haryana College of Technology and Management, Kaithal PROF. S. L . MAHANDRU Principal (Retd. ), Maharaja Agrasen College, Jagadhri EDITOR PROF. R. K. SHARMA Professor, Bharti Vidyapeeth University Institute of Management and Research, New Delhi COCO-EDITOR DR. BHAVET Faculty, M. M. Establishment of Management, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD DR. RAJESH MODI Faculty, Yanbu Industrial College, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia PROF. SANJIV MITTAL University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh I.P. College, Delhi PROF. ANIL K. SAINI Chairperson (CRC), Guru Gobind Singh I. P. College, Delhi DR. SAMBHAVNA Faculty, I. I. T. M. , Delhi INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE, IT and MANAGEMENT A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access International e-Journal †Included in the International Serial Directories iii http://ijrcm. organization. in/VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE N O. 01 (J ANUARY) ISSN 2231-5756 DR. MOHENDER KUMAR GUPTA Associate Professor, P. J. L. N. Gove rnment College, Faridabad DR. SHIVAKUMAR DEENE Asst.Professor, Dept. of Commerce, School of Business Studies, Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga ASSOCIATE EDITORS PROF. NAWAB ALI KHAN Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U. P. PROF. ABHAY BANSAL Head, Department of Information Technology, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Noida PROF. A. SURYANARAYANA Department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad DR. SAMBHAV GARG Faculty, M. M. Foundation of Management, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana PROF. V. SELVAMSSL, VIT University, Vellore DR. PARDEEP AHLAWAT Associate Professor, Institute of Management Studies and Research, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak DR. S. TABASSUM SULTANA Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Matrusri Institute of P. G. Studies, Hyderabad SURJEET SINGH Asst. Educator, Department of Computer Science, G. M. N. (P. G. ) College, Ambala Cantt. Spec ialized ADVISOR AMITA Faculty, Government M. S. , Mohali FINANCIAL ADVISORS DICKIN GOYAL Advocate and Tax Adviser, Panchkula NEENA Investment Consultant, Chambaghat, Solan, Himachal PradeshLEGAL ADVISORS JITENDER S. CHAHAL Advocate, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh U. T. CHANDER BHUSHAN SHARMA Advocate and Consultant, District Courts, Yamunanagar at Jagadhri SUPERINTENDENT SURENDER KUMAR POONIA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE, IT and MANAGEMENT A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access International e-Journal †Included in the International Serial Directories iv http://ijrcm. organization. in/VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE N O. 01 (J ANUARY) ISSN 2231-5756 CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTSWe welcome unpublished novel, unique, experimental and top notch explore work relating to ongoing improvements and practices in the zone of Computer, Business, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, General Management, Banking, Insurance, Corporate Governa nce and rising ideal models in united subjects like Accounting Education; Accounting Information Systems; Accounting Theory and Practice; Auditing; Behavioral Accounting; Behavioral Economics; Corporate Finance; Cost Accounting; Econometrics; Economic Development; Economic History; Financial Institutions and Markets; Financial Services; Fiscal Policy; Government and Non ProfitAccounting; Industrial Organization; International Economics and Trade; International Finance; Macro Economics; Micro Economics; Monetary Policy; Portfolio and Security Analysis; Public Policy Economics; Real Estate; Regional Economics; Tax Accounting; Advertising and Promotion Management; Business Education; Management Information Systems (MIS); Business Law, Public Responsibility and Ethics; Communication; Direct Marketing; E-Commerce; Global Business; Health Care Administration; Labor Relations and Human Resource Management; Marketing Research; Marketing Theory and Applications; NonProfit Organizations; Offi ce Administration/Management; Operations Research/Statistics; Organizational Behavior and Theory; Organizational Development; Production/Operations; Public A
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The Ridiculously High Cost of Bank Overdraft Fees
The Ridiculously High Cost of Bank Overdraft Fees The Ridiculously High Cost of Bank Overdraft Fees The Ridiculously High Cost of Bank Overdraft FeesWhen it comes to sky-high interest rates, predatory payday loans and cash advances cant hold a candle to the fees banks charge when you overdraft your checking account.Anyone with at least a few thousand dollars in their bank account can spend money relatively freely without worrying about bank overdraft fees. Sure, they can’t just buy a couple boats out of the blue, but they can probably get groceries and gas without having to constantly check their account balance.For everyone thats living paycheck to paycheck, however, the threat of overdraft fees is constant and can quickly make a terrible financial situation even worse. It might not be debtor’s prison, but getting fined for not having money feels sort of Kafkaesque.So how bad are overdraft fees and how can you avoid them? Overdraft fees are heftyâ€"and profitable.Bank overdraft fees are pretty significant and widespread. But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s some bac kground on the current overdraft fee situation in America from Ilian Georgiev, CEO of Charlie, a text-based AI penguin financial advisor:“We’re facing a plagueâ€"of bank fees. In 2017, Americans paid a mind-blowing $34.3 billion in overdraft fees alone (not including all the other abused bank fees paid!), the most paid since 2009 during the end of the Great Recession.“On average in 2017, 38 percent of Charlie users overdrafted and paid $270 in feesâ€"the equivalent of a month of student loans, eight months of wifi, or a smartphone upgrade.â€Bank fees tend to be around $35 or higher, and they can be charged multiple times in a short span of time. Some banks will also charge additional fees as time goes by on an overdrafted account. If you don’t immediately realize your account is overdrafted, those fees can quickly add up and you could be looking at hundreds of dollars worth of fines.So why do banks charge overdraft fees?To make money. Next section!OK, to be fair, banks clai m that overdraft fees are used to prevent bounced checks. But you can also get hit with an overdraft fee from trying to make an ATM withdrawal when you don’t have adequate funds, so that explanation might not be fully comprehensive.“The short answer and the truth as to why overdraft fees are so high is there is no federal law regulating what a bank can charge,†explained RJ Mansfield (@DebtAssassin1), consumer’s rights advocate and author of Debt Assassin: A Black Ops Guide to Cleaning Up Your Credit. Its a major source of income for many banks that charge from $25.00 on the low end to $38.00 at the top.â€So how can you avoid these fees?Avoiding these fees.The simplest way of avoiding overdraft fees is to make sure that you always have enough money in your account before paying for anything or withdrawing any funds. But just because it’s the simplest method doesn’t mean it’s the easiest. It’s a pain to constantly check your balance, and if you have any auto-payments set up, it’s easy for your account to become depleted without you even realizing it. There has to be a better way!Well, there is. Actually, there are multiple better ways.“There are overdraft protection agreements that link other accounts within your bank to your checking account to cover checks that would normally overdraw your account,†advised Manfield. “This service often involves a fee which will be substantially less than an overdraft charge.â€You can also go the app route.“Overdraft protection apps like Dave will advance you money ahead of your paycheck in the case you would otherwise have no money and incur an overdraft fee,†offered personal finance writer Dustyn Ferguson (@dustyndream). “These types of services are fairly cheap, with the Dave app costing just $1 a month. Even if you incur overdraft fees on average just once per year, this $1 a month fee will still save you money!â€While not an app, Georgiev explained how Charlie, his chat-based financial a dvice AI, can prevent overdraft fees: “With Charlie, no fee will go unnoticed or get in the way of other, more useful expenses. On average, users have $114 in fees/yearâ€"but with Charlie they can track their spending, set up alerts, etc. to avoid putting any hard earned cash towards bank fees and to make sure their finances stay in shape.â€You can check out our app directory for some more suggestions for tools that could help you prevent overdrafts.Setting up overdraft protections can be a hassle, but it’s much less of a hassle than dealing with overdraft fees. Getting out of a tough financial situation is hard enough without facing additional fines for not having enough money. But if you can remove the threat of overdraft fees, it’ll be one less thing to worry about on your journey to financial improvement.To learn more about how your finances safe from outsized fees, predatory lenders, and even outright scammers, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Wha t You Should Look for in a Prepaid Debit CardSo Your Package Got Stolen … Now What?A Field Guide to Spotting Predatory LendersHow to Avoid Getting Insta-Scammed on InstagramWhat are your best tips for avoiding overdraft fees? We want to hear from you! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.ContributorsDustyn Ferguson (@dustyndream) is the personal finance aficionado behind Dime Will Tell. He often blogs about his experiences and shares his secrets when it comes to making and saving more money to achieve financial success.Ilian Georgiev is the co-founder and CEO of Charlie, a text-based personal assistant that helps average Americans worry less about money and have access to personalized financial advice. Prior to co-founding Charlie, Ilian was a Product Manager and the Head of Product in mobile gaming at Pocket Gems and Chobolabs. There, Ilian launched and scaled multiple chart-topping apps that have generated over hundreds of millions of revenue across hundreds of millio ns of users. When he’s not building penguins that talk about money and save you from your bills, Ilian enjoys sailing and using emojis in all parts of his life. He holds a B.A. in Economics and Mathematics from Vassar College and an M.B.A. from Stanford.RJ Mansfield (@DebtAssassin1) is a consumer’s rights advocate and author of Debt Assassin: A Black Ops Guide to Cleaning Up Your Credit.
Friday, June 26, 2020
MBA Admissions Chats Past and Future Consortium, LBS, Haas, and INSEAD
We have two large chats planned for this week and are adding a couple of excellent new transcripts from recent chats. First the upcoming chats: The Consortium has put together an impressive group of career services professionals to answer your questions tomorrow December 11 at 5:00 PM PT/8:00 PM ET during an online chat in the Accepted chat room. Representatives from the Consortium, Carnegie Mellon, Emory University, Indiana University, New York University, Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of North Carolina, Univ. of Rochester, Univ. of Southern California, Univ. of Virginia, Univ. of Wisconsin will be available. Please join us to pose your questions about career change, career management, and the MBA. Our guests will have the answers. On Wednesday December 12 at 10:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET/6:00 PM GMT London Business School will assemble an equally impressive group of admissions, marketing, and student representatives to answer your questions about its MBA program. They will be ably led by Tamsin Shillitoe, MBA Marketing and Admissions Manager at LBS. Please join us to learn more about this leading international business school. Now that you know about our upcoming chats this week, let me fill you in on recently posted transcripts. The 2008 Haas chat with Peter Johnson and Stephanie Fujii is now online. Excerpts: thapar (Nov 20, 2007 1:36:23 PM)Hi Stephanie it is said that IT applicants need to apply in first round to increase their chances otherwise the competition in second round is very high .. StephanieFujiiHAAS(Nov 20, 2007 1:36:48 PM)Thapar, there are always so many rumors and theories out there StephanieFujiiHAAS(Nov 20, 2007 1:39:57 PM)But, Thapar, to answer your question, the most important thing is to present the strongest application possible. And your chances always depend on the strength of the pool and how your experiences compare. We do see a good number of applicants from the IT sector but were still looking for the same criteria academic ability, richness of work experience (so in your career, have you progressed over time, demonstrated leadership, impacted your organization/team, etc.) and personal qualities. Competition is high for everyone since we only have 240 students per class! So remember, a strong application is a strong application. Classof2011 (Nov 20, 2007 1:44:10 PM)Pete: How is recruiting shaping up this year? Are the banks still hiring? PeterJohnsonHAAS (Nov 20, 2007 1:45:18 PM)Class of 2011, yes at least at this point. Weve been watching this closely, of course, and some banks have indicated that they will likely hire fewer candidates, but as far as I know, none have indicated that they wont be hiring. The 2008 INSEAD chat on December 3 is available now. Here are the excerpts: Linda Abraham (Dec 3, 2007 12:57:26 PM)What is new at INSEAD? MarkNorburyINSEAD (Dec 3, 2007 12:58:53 PM)Were seeing a striking increase in applications with Singapore as busy as France; we are still increasing entrepreneurship modules all the time; we have innovative experiential learning in Africa and many other exciting courses. Linda Abraham (Dec 3, 2007 1:06:43 PM)Mark, what percentage of students study at more than one campus? MarkNorburyINSEAD (Dec 3, 2007 1:07:06 PM)Hi Linda, 73% of MBAs study at more than one campus. Linda Abraham (Dec 3, 2007 1:07:13 PM)Wow! MarkNorburyINSEAD (Dec 3, 2007 1:08:12 PM)Linda for the triple campus experience (Wharton as well as both INSEAD campuses) is about 15% or 120 a year. MBA2010 (Dec 3, 2007 1:17:26 PM)Mark: Were applications up this year? If yes, by how many percent? MarkNorburyINSEAD (Dec 3, 2007 1:18:25 PM)MBA2010 applications have been growing strongly, but we do not release percentages (suffice to say easily double digit).
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Angonoka Tortoise Facts
The angonoka tortoise (Astrochelys yniphora), also known as the ploughshare or Madagascar tortoise, is a critically endangered species that is endemic to Madagascar. These tortoises have unique shell colorations, a characteristic that makes them a sought-after commodity in the exotic pet trade. In March of 2013, smugglers were caught transporting 54 live angonoka tortoisesâ€â€nearly 13 percent of the entire remaining populationâ€â€through an airport in Thailand. Fast Facts: Angonoka Tortoise Scientific Name: Astrochelys yniphoraCommon Names: Angonoka tortoise, ploughshare tortoise, plowshare tortoise, Madagascar tortoiseBasic Animal Group: ReptileSize: 15-17 inchesWeight: 19-23 poundsLifespan: 188 years (average)Diet: HerbivoreHabitat: Baly Bay area of northwestern MadagascarPopulation: 400Conservation Status: Critically Endangered Description The angonoka tortoises carapace (upper shell) is highly arched and mottled brown in color. The shell has with prominent, ridged growth rings on each scute (shell segment). The gular (foremost) scute of the plastron (lower shell) is narrow and extends forward between the front legs, curving upward toward the neck. Habitat and Distribution The tortoise inhabits dry forests and bamboo-scrub habitats in the Baly Bay area of northwestern Madagascar, near the town of Soalala (including Baie de Baly National Park) where the elevation averages 160 feet above sea level. Diet and Behavior The angonoka tortoise grazes on grasses in open rocky areas of bamboo scrub. It will also browse on shrubs, forbs, herbs, and dried bamboo leaves. In addition to plant material, the tortoise has also been observed eating the dried feces of bush pigs. Reproduction and Offspring The reproductive season occurs from approximately Jan.15 to May 30, with both mating and egg hatching occurring at the onset of rainy seasons. The courtship begins when the male sniffs and then circles the female five to 30 times. The male then pushes and even bites the females head and limbs. The male literally overturns the female in order to mate. Both the males and female can have several mates during their lifetimes. A female tortoise produces one to six eggs per clutch and up to four clutches every year. The eggs incubate from 197 to 281 days. Newborn turtles are generally between about 1.7 and 1.8 inches and are completely independent once they are born. Angonoka tortoises reach maturity and become sexually active at about 20 years of age. Threats The greatest threat to the angonoka tortoise is from smugglers collecting them for the illegal pet trade. Secondly, the introduced bushpig preys on tortoises as well as its eggs and young. Additionally, fires employed to clear land for cattle grazing have destroyed the tortoises habitat. Collection for food over time has also impacted the angonoka tortoise population but to a lesser degree than the above activities. Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the northern leopard frogs conservation status as Critically Endangered. There are literally only about 400 angonoka tortoises remaining in Madagascar, the only place they are found on Earth. Their unique shell colorations make them a sought-after commodity in the exotic pet trade. It is the worlds most endangered tortoise, tortoise advocate Eric Goode said to CBS in a 2012 report on the ploughshare. And it has an incredibly high price on its head. Asian countries love gold and this is a gold tortoise. And so literally, these are like gold bricks that one can pick up and sell. Conservation Efforts In addition to its IUCN listing, the angonoka tortoise is now protected under the national law of Madagascar and listed on Appendix I of CITES, prohibiting international trade in the species. The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust created Project Angonoka in 1986 in cooperation with the Water and Forests Department, the Durrell Trust, and the World Wide Fund (WWF). The Project performs research on the tortoise and develops conservation plans designed to integrate local communities in the protection of the tortoise and its habitat. Local people have participated in conservation activities such as building firebreaks to prevent wildfire spread and the creation of a national park that will help protect the tortoise and its habitat. A captive breeding facility was established for this species in Madagascar in 1986 by the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust (now the Durrell Trust) in cooperation with the Water and Forests Department. Sources Fishbeck, Lisa. â€Å"Astrochelys Yniphora (Madagascan (Plowshare) Tortoise).† Animal Diversity Web.â€Å"The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.† IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Nelson, Bryan. â€Å"13 Percent of Entire Tortoise Species Population Found in Smugglers Bag.† MNN, Mother Nature Network, 5 June 2017.â€Å"Ploughshare Tortoise | Astrochelys Yniphora.† EDGE of Existence.â€Å"The Race to Save the Tortoise.† CBS News, CBS Interactive.
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